This week, Cass and Len explore how a simple yet powerful tool that most parents miss. Tune in to learn why Most People WANT You To Fail (And That Won't Stop You)
Welcome to Episode 42 of the Autism Parenting Secrets.
In this episode, Cass and Len share a tool that helps parents “size-up” the people around them and their child.
Providing a supportive environment for a child with autism is incredibly important. And just like environmental hazards like chemicals and poisons, people can (and often are) be toxic.
The good news is parents can control more than they think.
And a simple tool can make a huge difference.
So if you want to take greater control of who you and your child spend time with, tune in now!
The secret this week: Most People WANT You To Fail (And That Won't Stop You)
You'll discover:
* Why People “Want” You To Fail (1:58)
* P2 - The People Plotter (7:15)
* The Only Two Questions You Need To Ask (8:21)
* What Are The Four Types? (9:19)
* The Type of Person You Run From (11:13)
* The Type of Person You Minimize (15:13)
* The Type of Person You Teach & Train (21:12)
* The Type of Person You Receive (23:43)
* How You Can Take Action Today (30:50)
Additional Resources
* Free Resource: P2 People Plotter
* Free Resource: 33 Mistakes Most Autism Parents Make and How To Avoid Them
* To learn more about Cass & Len’s All-In Warrior Parent Tribe, click here
* Got a Picky Eater? - this can help
* To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at
* Be sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram
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