Autism Parenting Secrets

Science Supports DIET CHANGES

Episode Summary

This episode is about the transformative power of food for you and especially your child. We’re joined by Julie Matthews, a Certified Nutrition Consultant and published researcher specializing in personalized nutrition for complex neurological conditions, particularly autism spectrum disorder and ADHD for over 20 years. The secret this week is… Science Supports DIET CHANGES

Episode Notes

Welcome to Episode 201 of Autism Parenting Secrets

Today we’re talking about the transformative power of food for you and especially your child.

And we’re joined by someone who was a very early guide for us in helping us see the path forward.

Julie Matthews is a Certified Nutrition Consultant and published researcher specializing in personalized nutrition for complex neurological conditions, particularly autism spectrum disorder and ADHD for over 20 years. 

She received her master’s degree in medical nutrition, with distinction, from Arizona State University. 

She’s the author of the award-winning book Nourishing Hope for Autism and co-author of two research studies demonstrating the efficacy of nutrition and therapeutic diet intervention for autism. 

Julie supports clinicians and families from around the world with her nutrition programs and professional training courses.

And she’s here today to share why food matters more than you think.

The secret this week is…

Science Supports DIET CHANGES

You'll Discover:

About Our Guest:

Julie Matthews, MS, is a Certified Nutrition Consultant and published researcher specializing in personalized nutrition for complex neurological conditions, particularly autism spectrum disorder and ADHD for over 20 years. She received her master’s degree in medical nutrition, with distinction, from Arizona State University. She is the author of the award-winning book Nourishing Hope for Autism and co-author of two research studies demonstrating the efficacy of nutrition and therapeutic diet intervention for autism. Julie supports clinicians and families from around the world with her nutrition programs and professional training courses.

References in The Episode:

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