Autism Parenting Secrets

SCREENS Prevent Connection

Episode Summary

Melanie Hempe, founder of ScreenStrong, shares her journey and science-backed strategies to help families break free from toxic screen habits. The secret this week is… SCREENS Prevent Connection

Episode Notes

Welcome to Episode 246 of Autism Parenting Secrets

In this episode, we tackle a critical issue affecting every family—the hidden dangers of screen overuse. 

Our guest, Melanie Hempe, is the founder of ScreenStrong, a movement dedicated to helping parents reclaim childhood from the grip of screens. When her oldest son dropped out of college due to video game addiction, Melanie used her nursing background to develop a science-backed solution for her younger children, leading to the creation of ScreenStrong, a nonprofit that helps families eliminate toxic screen use and the conflicts it creates.

Through her Be ScreenStrong Substack, ScreenStrong Families podcast, and media appearances, Melanie empowers parents with practical strategies to delay harmful screen exposure and foster real-world connections. Today, we’ll explore the science behind screen addiction, how screens disrupt social and emotional development, and—most importantly—what parents can do to create a healthier, more connected home.

The secret this week is…

SCREENS Prevent Connection

You'll Discover:

About Our Guest:

When her oldest son dropped out of college due to a video game addiction, Melanie Hempe used her nursing degree from Emory University to create a better, science-backed screen solution for her three younger children. The success of these solutions compelled Melanie to found ScreenStrong, a nonprofit that empowers parents to eliminate toxic screen use—and the conflict it creates—from their home. ScreenStrong’s proactive, neuroscience-based solution of delaying social media, smartphones, violent video games, and pornography through adolescence has improved the mental health, life skills, and relationships of countless teens and families across the world. 

Melanie writes the weekly “Be ScreenStrong” Substack and hosts the popular ScreenStrong Families podcast. She has been featured on CBS, CNN, NPR, Fox, The Wall Street Journal, the Screened Out documentary, and other media outlets. Her Kids’ Brains and Screens series is available for all ages in book and curriculum formats.

Melanie lives in North Carolina with her husband, Chris, and their four children. She believes it’s never too late to reverse screen addiction and reconnect with your kids.

References in The Episode:

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